Campsite Risk Assessment



Page No.

Assessed by: Kate Surman

Date: 7 April 21

Review: Continuously as required & full annual review




Who might be harmed?

Risk Control Measures


Accident/collision potential due to vehicular access to and egress from the site.

Vehicle occupants. Pedestrians. Visitors to campsite

Suitable adults to supervise vehicle movement onto and off site and to control parking if necessary. Speed limit/farm machinery sign at entrance.

Brief all personnel

Pedestrians being struck by moving vehicles.

Anybody on site

Any vehicle movement to be no faster than walking pace. Appropriate signage.

Brief all personnel

Slips, trips and falls on camping field and down toilet block/shepherd hut steps.

Anybody on site

Grass cut and rolled regularly and divots repaired. Campsite is flat but advertised as ‘rural’ campsite. Advise parents of children to supervise near ditch. Take care down steps…slip factor reduced by chicken wire/grooves for grip

Brief all personnel

Slips, trips and falls in vicinity of water taps due to wet/muddy ground and in shower block.

Anybody on site

Water taps off when not in use. Washing up area provided to avoid washing up under tap onto the ground. Take care when showering, regularly mopped and ‘careful slippy’ signs.

Brief all personnel

Contamination of water supply

Anybody on site

1. No washing up, personal washing or teeth cleaning to be done at the taps. No Drinking Sign
2. Portable toilets must not be washed out or cleaned out other than in the specifically designated area, using the designated tap and hose supplied. Area is signed ‘Waste Disposal Area’ provided for this purpose.

Brief all personnel

Injury due to carrying heavy equipment loads such as tents, water containers etc.

Anybody on site

1. Weight of loads carried to be controlled by campers – pack sensibly, consider weights before lifting.
2. Visitors to bring trolleys or wheel barrows etc.
3. Water containers to be of suitable size if being carried by hand.
4. Sharing load with others e.g. two people to a tent

Brief all personnel

Injury/fall into ditch

Anybody on site

Parents made aware to supervise children play. Clearly stipulate route to footpath and forbid ‘free walking’ over neighbouring farmed land.

Brief all personnel

Injury due to tripping over tent guide ropes and pegs

Anybody on site

1. Prohibition of playing games, running or ‘skylarking’ around tents.
2. Caravans and tents to be pitched 6 metres apart.
3. Tents sited by Campsite Manager.

Brief all personnel

Cuts and contamination to feet.

Anybody on site

All personnel to wear footwear at all times when walking round field.

Brief all personnel

Injury/illness caused to allergy suffers by hay fever or by long or mown grass.

Anybody on site

Visitors to be advised not to play in long grass and prohibited from throwing or inappropriately playing with any grass cuttings. Bring own medication. No first aider on site.

Brief all personnel

Injury or illness by incorrect handling/disposal of human waste from portable toilets.

Anybody on site

1. It is strongly recommended that young people are not involved with this task. There may be occasions when this is appropriate e.g. patrol camps, training purposes etc, the age, self-discipline and responsibility of those involved must always be taken into consideration, older scouts and explorer scouts only. Scout leader supervision is recommended.
2. Portable toilets should be emptied regularly and not allowed to become too full.
3. They must be emptied carefully, slowly and with control in the correct, well signed area.
4. Care to be exercised when handling chemicals and refilling with water to prevent contamination and splashing

All personal using portable toilets…mostly caravanners.

Burns from BBQs, firepits and woodburning stoves

Anybody on site

Only good condition BBQs permitted for cooking and firepit use controlled and users reminded of the potential risk. Burn proof gloves available for wood burner use in shepherd huts. Advise full water carrier nearby.

Brief all personnel

Burns or scalds eg. from cooking or hot water in toilets.

Anybody on site

Temperature set by electrician via thermostat unable to be adjusted by visitors. Signs over sink ‘caution hot water’ Use appropriate care when cooking ensuring stable surface and safe area. Do not leave cooking apparatus unattended.

Brief all personnel

Risk of Fire

Anybody on site

1. Establish fire alarm system (Shout FIRE FIRE).
2. Establish Fire Assembly Point. – CAMPSITE ENTRANCE.
3. Ensure Fire Brigade access maintained at all times.
4. Maintain spacing between all tents – recommended minimum is 6 metres.
5. Maintain spacing between cooking tents/dining shelters and other tents. – recommended minimum is 6 metres.
6. No naked flames (cookers and lamps) to be left burning whilst unattended in tents.
7. No Gas lamps etc to be used in sleeping tents.
8. Gas bottles to be switched off at valve when not in use.
9. Gas bottles to be store outside tent in open air.
10. All gas bottles to be changed over in open air away from any naked flames.
11. No smoking in tents/shepherds’ huts.
12. Conduct fire safety check before retiring at night.
13. No fireworks or Chinese lanterns.
14. Monitor weather and if very hot and dry call a fire ban.
15. Advise water carrier nearby any fire.

Brief all personnel

Personal Rubbish – cuts, dog illness accessing rotten food, attraction of unwanted wildlife and pests.

Anybody on site

Use rubbish bins provided on site. Ensure sharp items e.g. Tins and food waste are suitably disposed of.

Brief all personnel

Dogs on Site

Anybody on site

1. Dogs to be kept on lead at all times.
2. All dog mess to be picked up immediately.
3. Owners to be responsible and keep dogs under control at all times.
4. Failure to comply – visitor will be asked to leave.

Brief all personnel


Any electric hook up users

All electricity supplied fitted and certified by a qualified electrician. (Ian Stroud – Electrical Contractor). No where supplied/available to charge phones.

Brief all personnel

Visits by organised groups e.g. Duke of Edinburgh

Group Members

Group leaders to prepare own suitable risk assessment to cover group camping and any other activities undertaken. Appropriate supervision of group by group leaders at all times.


Slips, trips or falls from visitors’ electric cables.

Anybody on site

Site Manager to advise which hook up point to use. Visitors to ensure cables are positioned so that other camp site users cannot trip over them.


Injury/Accident from other activities e.g. clay shooting on site

Anyone on site

Campers made aware of any shooting in the vicinity. Safe distances exhibited and separate risk assessment for activity.


Emergency Situation

Anybody on site

Sign detailing emergency services contact numbers for visitors to use. Ambulance: Police: Fire: Local contacts:


Spread of COVID-19 Virus

Anybody on site

1. Notify all guests upon booking that they must adhere to Government guidelines of social distancing and advice on disinfecting
2. Install hand sanitising units.
3. Display signs to wash hands and use hand sanitiser.
4. Make clear signs to limit numbers in toilet block and restrict to one household at a time.
5. Ensure main toilet/shower block doors are lockable to ensure a private bathroom is created that can be cleaned and disinfected after each use.
6. Encourage different household to remain social distanced and don’t take bookings of large groups.
7. Full contact details of all guests recorded and encouraged to use QR code check in displayed on notice board.
8. Screening/check when entering premises asking has anyone in the household/premises displayed signs or symptoms of:
• Fever
• New continuous cough
• Loss or change to sense of smell or taste

Where symptoms in the household/premises are identified entry should not proceed.
9. Anyone who thinks they may have symptoms of Covid-19 should check this using the NHS111 online symptom checker (
which will provide advice about what to do.
For those who develop symptoms, they should go home and inform their manager/supervisor.
Consideration will be given to a possible clean down/disinfection of rooms or equipment.

Brief All personnel